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Mission & Vision Ditt Officemakers

We are Ditt Officemakers. Specialists with a mission: we create offices that make people happy. Because when you work comfortably, you feel better!

Ditt Officemakers designs and builds with a heart for people and the world.

The right work environment gives you energy and brings balance to your work life. It is the foundation for success, a healthy culture, and satisfied customers.

We are Ditt Officemakers, a Design & Build specialist on a mission: creating offices that make people happy. Because when you work comfortably, you feel better.

Driven by innovation, we bring your identity and ambitions to life in a unique experience. From sketch to smart building and from idea to inspiring interior, with our team of Ditt’ers, we bring to life what you have in mind and take all the worries off your hands. Transparent, constructive, and reliable, as you would expect from a partner.

In a streamlined process, all our expertise comes together: design, architecture, execution, and furnishing. By strengthening and challenging each other, we come up with the smartest solutions. For a complex architectural issue, just the furnishings, or an innovative total concept.

This way, you hold the key to a world where everything and everyone works comfortably.

Our love for people and technology is reflected in what we create and how we work. We listen, probe, and think ahead so that your work environment meets all your needs. Whether you want an oasis of calm or a source of energy, we make sure it feels like your second home.

With our projects, we create ample room for growth and new opportunities. For you, your organization, and the world around you.

Great Offices, Happy People

At Ditt Officemakers, we dare to say that we are not just another run-of-the-mill Design & Build specialist. We have developed a unique way of working, with a heart for people and the world around us, to create suitable office designs.

At our company, everyone works with dedication on our projects from early morning until late at night. That hard work goes hand in hand with relaxation because we believe in the principle of ‘work hard, play hard’. We work together, we relax together. So, we have lunch together, exercise together, toast together, and celebrate special occasions together. Our staff parties are even known as ‘extra special’. Work and fun stimulate each other and are both indispensable to us.

We also find the warm relationship with our network partners important. This connection grows through working together on successful projects and is further strengthened in informal settings. Because that’s when we really get to know each other and build trust.

Take our annual event Officelands, where we present our latest portfolio and share our insights. And think of our outings like the Zwarte Cross, our regular seats in the Arena, or the cozy Ditt dinners. This mutual connection is incredibly valuable and remains an important pillar of the Ditt way of working.

We gladly commit ourselves to initiatives we believe in. We do this, for example, as volunteers and regular partners of TKRAMREPUS: the reverse supermarket, where you don’t take groceries, but bring them. In this way, we help people living in poverty to get groceries. It’s not about taking, but about giving. This creates a valuable connection between people and the city.

We are also a partner of Stichting Goal, an initiative that brings together people in need of care, care institutions, and businesses to give lonely elderly people an unforgettable afternoon. With the entire team of Ditt’ers, we are ready to help!

Check out our Mission & Vision

We take designing healthy and sustainable work environments where people enjoy staying and feel safe very seriously. By continuously researching, learning, and developing, we can inform and advise you as our client.

In this way, we contribute to a sustainable future, both in the short and long term. And within Studio Alliance, we also work together towards a better future. We do this with the Studio Alliance ESG Group. This group is established to promote sustainable development, advocate for a zero-emission approach, and exchange best practices within the alliance.

Studio Alliance brings together leading workplace experts from all over Europe. This international alliance, consisting of sixteen members, is committed to ensuring that clients can carry out their work projects optimally, pleasantly, and efficiently. Providing expert advice on workplace strategy, design, furnishing, and decoration of commercial offices: that is the core service of the individual Studio Alliance members. One for all, all for one.

Studio Alliance was established to take the lead in the rapidly accelerating globalization. The collective offers clients specialized knowledge of local markets, combined with extensive work experience in more than 5,000 buildings across 26 countries. Together we stand strong.

We believe in a work environment that fits like a tailored suit. With our Building Consultancy, we tailor each potential building to the unique identity of your organization.

With our building intelligence software, we provide insight into the possibilities of both existing and new offices. Our goal? Guiding you to the ideal layout. Taking into account every aspect, from cores to installations and facade connections. This ensures efficient use of space without unnecessary costs.

We generate example layouts, such as open or closed configurations. These illustrate which office-holding organizations would fit well in the available space. This way, we take the expected growth or shrinkage of the organization into consideration. Our software also supports specific Programs of Requirements, ensuring we can always offer you the right choice for a suitable building.

How do we determine which facilities are needed in the new office? Many different disciplines often come together in a workplace. And each function has different needs. To develop a pleasant and functional office environment, we designed a workshop combined with a workplace game. This way, Workplace Consultancy helps in making the right choices for your new workplace.

At Ditt Officemakers, we continuously develop and perfect our own software. With this, we design, calculate, and visualize every project. This way, we provide clear insight into the possibilities, costs, and planning of your new office design. No false promises, no hidden catches.

No surprises afterward, because with our advanced VR headset, you can take a virtual walk through your future workplace in advance. While we are still busy designing and building, you can already explore the final result at your leisure. This way, you can watch, contribute, and look forward to the completion of your new office with confidence from day one.

With the Ditt Project Portal, you can closely follow your entire Design & Build project, with all relevant information gathered in one central location.

Designing and realizing an office environment is a complex undertaking, involving various stakeholders and deliverables. In this process, our portal is an accessible tool, providing a clear overview of all the steps we take together.

You are continuously updated on the latest status: from the initial advice to the final delivery. In the portal, you will find the latest updates, with direct access to all important milestones and documentation. Even the details of agreements made and meeting notes are within reach. The Ditt Project Portal is thus an indispensable link in the smooth progress of your Design & Build project.

In a well-organized company, employees go home with the feeling that they have contributed to both the world and themselves.

Elyse Nijsse & Eva EliasHealth & Wellbeing experts

Want to know more?
Get in touch with us!

Would you like to know more? Call us at 020 – 5753078 (Amsterdam) or 0546 – 633000 (Almelo). Of course, you can also email us at, or fill out our contact form.

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