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In a world full of change, we consciously choose an ethical approach. We create office spaces and buildings that are not only relevant today but also consider the future.

We place the ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance) at the center of our efforts. We place the ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance) at the center of our efforts. This allows us to optimize the impact of our work across the board. The ‘Environmental’ pillar focuses on reducing environmental impact through sustainable practices and resource management. The ‘Social’ pillar focuses on responsibility in areas such as working conditions, diversity, and human rights. And ‘Governance’ pertains to ethical corporate management, transparency, and compliance with the law. Our own ESG efforts focus on three specific areas where we can make a significant difference:

  • the way we advise and design
  • our collaboration with suppliers
  • our internal processes and operations

We are aware that our designs carry great responsibility. We take very seriously the influence we have on our clients’ choices and the resulting impact on the ESG domains.

For example, we have set up a sustainability knowledge group. This team continually evaluates how we can minimize our environmental impact. We design sustainable offices by encouraging the reuse of materials and limiting the required space usage.

With every new design or purchase recommendation, we carefully weigh the impact. With the goal of reducing the ecological footprint of our projects.

Collaboration with Suppliers

Our suppliers play an important role in our ESG strategy. We set clear conditions for them, both in terms of product quality and their own sustainability performance. We minimize the use of harmful products and materials as much as possible and explore circular and return programs.

Certifying our supply chain and setting clear health and safety conditions are very important to us. Additionally, we are developing an innovative program in which we take responsibility for retrieving and reusing the products we install.

Internal Operations

Self-reflection is invaluable. With the help of Plan. A, we monitor our CO2 emissions and set reduction targets. We strive to meet all ESG criteria and are actively engaged in the B-Corp impact assessment. Our goal is to become a B-Corp certified organization by 2024. We don’t just talk about sustainability; we are committed to actively implementing and continuously improving it.

When you work with us, we offer more than just aesthetic and functional value. We also bring a strong commitment to sustainability. Partner with us, and we’ll transform your office space into an environment that not only serves people now but is also built with future generations in mind. Together, we take a step toward a better and more sustainable business world.

Reclaimable Office

We are working hard with our construction partners to establish a new standard way of working. This approach ensures that we, along with our construction partners, remain responsible for the environmentally friendly retrieval of everything installed in our projects.

We make agreements with our construction partners about taking back the products they have installed. This way, we inspire each other to think about how these products can be responsibly reused. Many of our construction partners are already doing this, and it is becoming an important selection criterion in choosing our core group of partners. We divide the ‘Reclaimable Office Standard’ into several categories, allowing us to take immediate action.

Furniture and Circular Procurement

We are exploring collaborations with partners who offer a large selection of refurbished furniture to minimize the environmental impact of our furniture. For new furniture, we are working on making it part of the Reclaimable Office Standard. This way, both we and our construction partners will be responsible for retrieving, refurbishing, and reintroducing used office furniture back into the market.

Sumthing is a social enterprise that aims to restore more nature each year than is lost, working on nature’s comeback story. Together with them, we can help restore nature by contributing to carefully selected projects and monitoring the impact through technology, such as photos, videos, GPS coordinates, and even satellite images. This allows you to see the real difference you’re making. Together with Sumthing, we are restoring coral, which perfectly aligns with our identity and our color. We even name the pieces of coral after, for example, clients or partners we collaborate with. Together, we are restoring nature!

Take a look at our Ditt reef below.

The Pledge
50% of all people with cancer do not dare to tell their employer. However, not enough business leaders and companies are aware of this fact. This pledge aims to end the stigma and uncertainty for people with cancer in the workplace. Together, we stand for a more open, supportive, and recovery-oriented culture at work for all employees with cancer. Join #workingwithcancer.

View the Pledge

Want to know more? Get in touch with us!

Want to know more? Call us at 020 – 5753078 (Amsterdam) or 0546 – 633000 (Almelo). Of course, you can also email us at, or fill out our contact form.

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