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The Five Phases of Ditt

nventory and Advisory Phase

1In this phase, the request for assistance is clarified, and the framework is established. What identity should the office convey? What do employees expect from their new office? What are the business objectives, or what is the organization’s growth forecast? We call this ‘workplace consultancy.‘ With this, Ditt helps companies create a pleasant, functional, and inspiring office. The designer surveys and defines the project. We assemble a CST team to start and complete the project.

Design Phase

Our designers get to work, moving from the Sketch Design (SD) to the Preliminary Design (PD) and finally to the Final Design (FD). In this process, we integrate sustainable options, aim to develop the perfect office for you, and use our proprietary software, Ditt Designer, to bring your vision to life. A wish takes shape. The abstract becomes concrete. Ditt gets to work on designing and building. The result: an office that fits you and your employees perfectly. Experience your new office in advance through our realistic renders or via a VR headset!

Procurement and Preparation Phase

The estimator and project manager get to work, taking the first steps toward realizing your project. Using our software, they carefully estimate the costs. Additionally, they develop a schedule to bring your ideal office environment to life.

Execution Phase: The Construction Begins

The design is ready to be executed—a key moment! The hard hats go on. The project manager plays a central role and is always available as your primary contact throughout the entire execution of the project. Safety is our top priority; we follow Health Safety protocols to ensure that the construction of the new office proceeds safely. A Site Manager may also be present to oversee the construction. During the project, we use the client portal, allowing you to track the project at any time of day and receive updates.
updates on the process. Through this communication and transparency, we can work together to ensure a safe and successful completion of the office.

Evaluation and Aftercare

Collaboration on a project is always dynamic, so it’s important to evaluate the process and the final result together afterward. “Great Offices, Happy People.” Did we achieve that? With our client portal, it’s possible to review the different phases of the project.

We work with conviction according to proven methods, but we are, of course, flexible enough to responsibly deviate from them when necessary, in the best interest of the project.