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Cookie and Privacy Statement

By using this Website, you agree to the applicability of this Cookie and Privacy Statement.
Version: January 1, 2017
1. Introduction and Definitions
To enable you to use our products and Services, to improve and secure our Services, we inevitably need to process some personal data. In this statement, we explain which personal data we collect and use, for what purpose, and based on which legal grounds. We recommend that you read this statement carefully. Ditt B.V. (‘Ditt’) takes your trust and right to privacy seriously and therefore processes as little personal data as possible. Through the Websites and (‘Websites’), we process personal data carefully, confidentially, and with respect for your privacy. When processing your personal data, we at least comply with the Dutch Data Protection Act (Wbp) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    • The entity responsible for the processing of personal data is the private limited company Ditt B.V. We are located in ALMELO and registered in the Commercial Register under number 08146211.
    • Our Services include, among others, ‘Office Furnishing,’ ‘Interior Design,’ and ‘Concept and Identity Development’ (‘Services’).
    • The term “Relations” (“Relaties”) refers to:
      a) all individuals and organizations that have purchased or have in the past purchased paid or unpaid Services from Ditt; and
      b) all individuals and organizations that have contacted Ditt through any of the contact channels (telephone, email, postal mail, Website, social media) and have shared data with Ditt.

2. Cookie Statement
To enhance the user-friendliness of our Websites, we use convenient and useful techniques to make our sites as interesting as possible for every visitor. In the context of our Services, we use cookies on our Websites. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer’s hard drive or in its memory. This cookie policy applies to all our Websites. We believe it is important for you to know which cookies are used on our Websites and for what purposes. We use the following cookies: Functional Cookies, Analytical Cookies (anonymous), and Social Media Cookies.
Functional Cookies: Cookies that are necessary for our Services to function. For example, these cookies enable you to log in to our Websites. Functional cookies also remember the settings of the page.
Analytical Cookies (anonymized): These cookies allow us to analyze the use of our Websites so that we can improve their quality and/or effectiveness. Ditt uses these anonymized cookies to see, among other things, how often and for how long pages are visited, from which Website(s) users come, and in what order users visit the different pages of our Websites. To receive information about the use of the Websites, Ditt uses the Google Analytics service from Google Inc. (‘Google’). The data is always anonymized before Ditt shares it with Google Analytics.
Social Media Cookies: With your permission, personalized social media cookies can be placed on our Websites by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Issuu. Social media cookies allow users of the Services to directly share the content of our Websites with others via social media. Ditt has no control over this and refers you to the statements provided by these social media platforms on their own Websites for more information.
Adjusting Cookie Settings
Through your browser settings, you can refuse the use of cookies, delete cookies that have been placed, or ensure that you receive a warning before cookies are placed on your browser and/or computer. Please note that you need to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use. Be aware that in such a case, you may not have access to every Service. How you can adjust your settings varies by browser. If necessary, consult the help function of your browser.
3. Privacy Statement
Use of Your Data
When using our Website, Social Media, and our Services, you leave certain information with us. This can include personal data. For example, the Website offers the possibility to ask questions via a contact form, where you are asked to provide various data to process your question. Also, when placing and checking out your order, we ask for some personal data.
Personal Data
We process the following personal data:
Personal Data Category
Name: A1.
Address: A1. Name and Address Details (NAW-gegevens):
Residence: A1.
Education: A14. Education and training.
Organization Name: A15. Profession and employment.
Position: A15. Profession and employment.
Department: A15. Profession and employment.
Business Email Address: A15. Profession and employment.
Billing Address: A20. Company details (Chamber of Commerce).
Private Landline Number: A22. Telephone number.
Business Landline Number: A22. Telephone number.
Private Mobile Number: A22. Telephone number.
Business Mobile Number: A22. Telephone number.
Private Bank Account Number: A23. Bank details.
Date of Birth: A3. Personal characteristics.
Business Email Data: A24. Email data.
Internet Surfing Behavior: B11. Miscellaneous.
Purpose of Processing
The above data is used for the following purposes:

  • To allow you to use our Services;
  • Conducting research/analyses and compiling management information to improve its services, for example, by analyzing in aggregate which Services are rated the best/worst and are most/least used;
  • Complying with the legal and regulatory obligations applicable to Ditt;

Legal Basis
The processing of personal data by Ditt is based on:

  • The explicit consent of the Relation;
  • The necessity for the performance of a contract;
  • The necessity for the protection of Ditt’s legitimate interest (specifically, regular business activities).

To prevent misuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data, we take appropriate security measures.

  • Encryption of digital files containing personal data;
  • The use of the latest security techniques;
  • Two-factor authentication;
  • Periodically assessing security risks through penetration tests and/or security scans.
  • The use of a ‘Data Breach Notification Protocol.’

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties
Ditt does not share your data with third parties, except in the case of a legal requirement or when it is necessary in connection with the delivery of a product or Service.
Right to Access, Correct, or Delete Your Data
If you have provided us with personal data, you can send us a request to view, modify, or delete this data. Please contact us using the contact details provided below.
We may use your personal data for profiling, where we create one or more profiles based on your personal data. These profiles are created using automated algorithms and information from contact moments. With these profiles, we can offer you better and more targeted commercial offers. Ensuring the protection of your privacy is our highest priority in this process.
4. About This Statement
Third-Party Websites
This statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to our Website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend that you read the privacy statement of these websites before using them.
Changes to the Privacy and Cookie Statement
Ditt reserves the right to make changes to this statement. When there are changes, we will publish them on our Website. It is advisable to regularly consult this statement so that you are aware of any changes.
Dutch Data Protection Authority
Naturally, we are happy to assist you if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under privacy law, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority regarding this processing of personal data. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about your privacy and our cookie and privacy statement, you can contact Ditt via:
Wierdensestraat 40
7607 GJ Almelo
Phone number: 0546 – 633 000